Adobe Fireworks is a great tool for creating artistic drawings. It is simple for beginners to use, and has a vast array of special effect textures and paint brushes.
See previous post about this, (including "How To" instructions), by clicking this link: Draw a House in Fireworks
The following Wondershare slideshow showcases the recent efforts of my Year 7 and Year 8 multimedia students.
The brief was that they had to make an Alien Space picture. They were allowed to use up to two images from the Internet, but had to draw the rest of the picture using Adobe Fireworks.
Note that we can click on the bottom of the slideshow on the "Manual Play" option at any time. We can then advance through the photos one by one at our own pace. This allows us to stop for longer on the photos that we really like, and quickly bypass the ones that we are not interested in.
(Push the Play button arrow below if the slideshow is not already running).
If you would like to see the above slideshow full size, then click on this link:
Adobe Fireworks is a great tool for beginners to use, as it has some brilliant special effects available that are very easy to use.
Fireworks is a great preliminary application to learn, prior to moving onto the more advanced features of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Big Passy Wasabi
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