Sunday, October 15, 2006

Even Rock and Rollers Get the Tazer Treatment in My Hood - For Real - Last Night at Walters on Washington

Man hold up. Last night I was flipping through the channels when I saw a report on the news about a small night club about half a mile from my house. Walters on Washington is a juke joint that in recent years has played host to everyone from Cex to Ratatat to the Boot Camp Click. It looks like an old Texas dance hall and probably was at some point in time. Beers are $1.50 and it generally attracts the indie rocker / alt country crowd. It's one of the few independent live music venues we have left here in Houston, and is a vital part of a lot of scenes that really have no place else to go.

Anyway, this little slice of Washington Avenue, back in my day, used to be a seedy lil strip with not much happening on it save for the occassional punk rock show. The neighborhood was almost 100% Mexican familes and you didn't hear much about it.

However, like all inner city neighborhoods in semi-close proximity to a downtown area, in recent years the developers have moved in and the piece of shit yuppies have followed. And with the dipshit yuppies come the noise complaints. See yuppie pieces of shit can't figure out why when they move into a building with paper thin walls, built with the cheapest materials and labor greed can buy, directly behind a night club that has been rocking and rolling for like 50 years, they might have to deal with a little noise.

God forbid they might have to deal with people walking to their cars at 2 a.m.

Oh the horrors of neighborhood culture, can't we all just lock ourselves behind our gates and get along?

Anyway, Friday night, they had an incident with a Pig who looked like he took too many steroids mixed with Jack Daniels. I'm going to paste what the Editors of the Free Press sent out about the incident and post the You Tube evidence of this fucking hoglets psychosis.

"Last night (Fri. Oct 13), a single officer responded to a noise complaint about live music at Walter's on Washington. As opposed to following protocol and procedure used by all other officers responding to similar complaints at Walter's, this 'over zealous' decides to walk in, avoid managment, and get on stage and subsequently slam the guitar player on the stage, attack the drummer, and break a 90 year old upright bass (members of 'Two Gallant'.... As can be expected, the crowd rushed the stage and tried to break up the ensuing chaos. This officer responded by tasing several people including 14 yr old kids, pushing people around, etc. Once his backup arrived, 6 people were arrested including a 15 year old girl and others who were not involved. There is currently an effort to galvanise folks behind an effort to re-evaluate the current taser policy and put hpd's feet to the fire; along with the douchebag officer. Photos and video are available below."

Man, hold, up. Check out the video and you say for yourself.

Watch at the very beginning of this video as the pig slams the guitar player to the ground. Guitar player didn't seem to be moving towards him at all.

Dude looks like a rabid, wild boar running into a chicken coop. For a noise violation, at a night club, that has been there doing it's thing before dude ever became a cop and way before the yuppies moved in.

Fuck you yuppies who think you can spend half a million dollars on a house made out of tin and plaster, throw off the whole look, feel and vibe of a neighborhood, driving property taxes up and the people out, and then complain about shit. Go the fuck back to your quiet suburbs and rot.

Shit makes me so mad. It's like in Austin how they opened all those condos in the vicinity of 6th Street (that cities life blood next to UT Football) and now all the venues have to deal with the sound nazis to make sure they don't bother one of their very new neighbors. Maybe they should build condos up by the football field and force everyone to sit quietly with their hands folded during the UT/A&M game. See how that works.

I don't know what to do about this but help to get the word out and let you see this piglet in action.

Oh this just in, see the pig actually use his taser here:

Houston Police Officer, Two Gallants, Music Venue

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Word to Roy! I see ya baby! You should have gone Rambo on the cop man, I know you could have withstood the tazing and pounded his skull into the concrete. But no, you held back, you were being a good boy, like all the other good boys and girls who were basically terrorized by an obviously drug addled psychopath.

And 14 year olds get tazed, 15 year old girls get arrested, so some yuppie scum sucking piece of shit can read his Tom Clancy novel in peace get the fuck out of here.

PEACE to Pam. Owner of Walters and a person who shouldn't have to put up with as much shit as she does to bring some music to the masses.

Also check this:

HPD has problems.

What I saw on TV last night made the cop look like he got attacked. Obviously not the case. If Roy didn't hit him, then no one hit him.

This is from the MySpace Page:
About me:
Tonight I was at a show, and a misunderstanding turned into something very wrong.

"two gallants were on their 4th song i believe and a cop shows up for a noise complaint. i think he went to the soundboard first. he then heads to the stage. he has some wrds with the singer adam and then the cop grabs his guitar. adam pulls it back and then the cop grabs him around the head and takes him down. tyson jumps up from the drums and jumps into the mix. some other dudes get on stage and a bunch of others swarm up and start taking pictures. someone gets between adam and the cop and is calming things down. it could've ended here as everyone is calming down. then the cop turns on my friend greg who is taking pics and says 'stop touching me' or something like that and knocks greg's camera out of his hand. great is all like what the ####? and then the cop jumps off stage and starts pushing greg in the chest across the room while greg is just backing away. he eventually backs greg into that corner where everybody puts their instruments (to the right of the stage) and pushes him down into a pile of drums. people freak out and about 20 people rush over there including the dudes from the opening band and adam and tyson. i thought at this point the cop was going to get the shit kicked out of him. but i guess everyone was just standing around yelling or something so anyway the cop manages his way out of that pack and then starts chasing adam. adam runs across the stage and around the back of the bar with the cop right after him. he runs behind the bar and jumps over the front of the bar and runs out the door and down the street. the cop comes back around the door and is yelling at everyone to leave. he then walks outside and grabs tyson and cuffs him. he tells tyson something like he is being arrasted for what his buddy did. meanwhile some other people are yelling at the cop and he is walking around with his handcuffs out threatening to arrest everyone. he then grabs another dude and arrests him. then about 9 other cop cars showed up and those cops all jump out of their cars. we walked across the street so as not to get arrested or anything. i see them then arrest my friend greg as well as 4 or so other people. i hear they were arresting the opening band folks but that pam got them out. that is all i know. except that the first cop that came was a fukcin lunatic. you do not walk into a show and do what he did. he seemed way more interested in ####in shit up then he did in calmly difusing anything. that guy had a real chip on his shoulder... i would love to hear if anyone has any new developments..."

Here's a couple of choice MySpace comments:

"that motherfuckers name was G. Rodriguez, if anyone has any grievances."

"This fucker had an agenda. I saw him out front of Walter's 2 nights before hassling people before the show even started. Fuck him, HPD, and their inhumane taser policy. Anyone who was there is encouraged to contact us about our feature story on this bullshit."

"I don't know the real reason for the cops special appearance, but Adam DID NOT make the first move. That cop already had a bad fucking attitude before he got on stage. I saw him nudging people out of the way, and pausing to stare people down as if he were looking for a fight on the way up there. Napolean complex and a small penis from too much steroids make short people like him stocky and violent. I have friends that are HPD and that cop handled the situation like shit. What a disgrace of a respectable uniform and tax payers dollars."

"As my great-grandmother used to say (b. 1898, R.I.P.), "When they get too sorry for anything else, they put them on the police force." Right on, Granny."

And now our moment of Zen...

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