Wednesday, November 25, 2009


First it was Pamela Geller. Now . . . this:
At least ten students at a Florida middle school assaulted or encouraged assault of Jewish classmates in what they called "Kick a Jew Day". It was not the first incident of its kind. . . .
A Jewish student at the North Naples Middle School in Florida informed the dean of students last Thursday that she was attacked. The next day, after Principal Margaret Jackson addressed students, her office was informed of at least ten students involved in such kicking incidents.
One student told the local NBC television station correspondent that the phenomenon was "very widespread, happening all over school." In a letter to school officials, the parents of a Jewish student said that their daughter was taunted and kicked by several other students. "Apparently many kids, all Jewish, were kicked during the day," the parent wrote.
The North Naples Middle School students who the principal said took part in the "Kick a Jew Day" attacks received a one-day, in-school suspension and their parents were informed.
I mean, hey, if wild-eyed speculation about Tea Parties inspiring murder in Kentucky is fair game, why not blame CJ for "Kick a Jew Day"?

BTW, if anyone wonders what inspired this, give the credit to Track-a-Crat. He hit the tip jar and sent me this message:
Stacy, $10 for another pop at CJ or some other left-wing cretin, with a mention that I put you up to it, of course (and please).
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm always glad to add to your holiday cheer. Hit the tip jar.

UPDATE: And next time Hamas starts blowing stuff up in Israel, somebody hit the tip jar and I'll hang it around Andrew Sullivan's neck. Call it our "Blame for Bucks" holiday fundraiser.

Fairness? We don't need no stinkin' fairness!

UPDATE II: News video about the incident from Political Byline:

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