Saturday, November 28, 2009

Daphne Unmoved by Sarah

by Smitty

Daphne, at Jaded Haven takes some shots at Sarah Palin. As this blog has critiqued Rick Moran on the topic of the lady, it would seem unsporting not to offer similar treatment for Daphne, who is far more entertaining.
I won't be reading her book, she didn't write it and I could not care less about last year's campaign trail. She's a private citizen now, smartly cashing in on circumstance. I wish her well in her commercial endeavors, may she reap the beast of public consumption and grow fabulously rich.
Fair enough.
God help us if her populist drivel ever takes hold, the republic has already been raped to shreds by enough simplistic, pluralist pro-democracy political hacks baying "people power" to the ignorant masses.
Is this a specific swipe at Barack Obama? Are you saying Reagan was populist drivel? Who would you prefer, and how would this person address the real issues of $12 trillion in debt and a vampiric Federal Reserve?
This country's smart modern day conservatives imagine that the perpetual promised land of America's founders is based on a few simple premises; a place where were we are free to achieve, innovate, excel, cash in, choose and create a life without interference from the state. The people who believe in these tenets have no need of populist politicians, yet they continuously embrace their alarmist calls as a last measure, furthering the state into more regulation of man's freedom.
Have you watched the National Debt Road Trip? Have you looked at the vampiric growth of entitlements? It's neither clear that your libertarian state exists, nor that a potential Sarah Palin platform would do, other than (possibly) drive things in that libertarian direction. She could also turn out to be John Sydney McCain in a skirt. It's all unknown. Between the lines of her FaceBook musings, she seems willing to concede the Constitutional ground to the Federal government on health care reform.
Populism is the antithesis of conservatism, it's more socialist happy juice for the underclass, a jizz of simplistic dogma that appeals to ignorant voters, a simple knock down, two step of soft moves for the people, by the people. You'll never have independence when you indicate a willingness to bow to the will of a self-serving, tax-less people. The masses will annihilate your every avenue of success out of sheer, ruthless perversity. They'll vote for your demise out of blind spite. The founders knew this core truth of human nature.
Are you a John Batchelor fan, Daphne? Interestingly, I come from pure white trash roots, yet have managed to score some academic credentials (woo hoo). My observation is that the difference between the populist bumpkins so cheerfully derided by the elitists, and the city slicker elites themselves is the average word lengths used in conversation. People are people are people. If we're going to go down this class stratification road, then let's just punt on the popular vote and let the apparently smarter people just sell us down the river.

The Progressive propellerheads are the authors of the current situation. The nominally conservative, elitist jackasses (everyone since Teddy Roosevelt with the exception of Reagan) have been enablers. The bulk of the GOP hopefuls in play for 2012 have been enablers. John Sydney McCain is an enabler. The difference between BHO and a hypothetical JSM administration, AFAICT, would be the rate of the decline. BHO's Chicago propensity to 'cash in for the homies', if anything, is a feature, hastening the eruption of the crap volcano.

So what I need to see from Sarah, or any other leader worth paying heed, is a commitment to a foundation for diminishing the Imperial Fed. Otherwise, she's just fannying about.
The conservative brands do it as well as the liberal ones, it's all about feeding the state. Our girl Palin is busy shoveling heaping dumb bucketfuls of bromides to that ancient beast of polity. I happened upon a ridiculous post today equating her in fond terms with Thomas Paine. I was appalled at how many ignorant people were lapping this shit up. Are you fucking kidding me? Paine and Palin? That's a partnership that would cause most true conservatives to grab some rope if they didn't immediately succumb to congestive heart failure.
In addition to making a buck, it's quite apparent that Sarah is building up the war chest, and connecting with people in the lower 48. As Dan Riehl notes, she may be making a move in a solid policy direction as early as next year. At that point, like BHO in office, she's likely to start dividing people. Unfortunately, you don't seem aware that "that ancient beast of polity" is really the Federal Government. Also known sometimes as 'Cthulu'.
I would be a happy woman if I saw more people going rouge, questioning the people and parties in power, taking a large step back from the personal and giving the direction of our country a clear hard, dispassionate look. Yeah, that would be good.
You seem to have a tacit assertion here that people have not followed your prescription and arrived at Sarah. Is this some mathematical impossibility?

I, for one, take a similar independent thinking tack. But the ballot requires names. Someone has to be on there. It's quite possible that Sarah will outline a platform that is more GOP RINO swill, should she ever get as far as running in a primary.

Short of seeing the platform, though, your criticisms seem as nebulous as those of Rick Moran. Are you for another candidate, or simply not enchanted with the lady? I'm still in the optimistic corner, myself.

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